Hi there! I am here again to share with you a very useful comparison between PS5 and Xbox series X.
PlayStation five or the Xbox series x, which one is the better console? And which one should you guys get?
Well, No doubt,  they're both very good consoles, you'll be extremely amazed with any of these two. However, there are quite a few differences between these two consoles that might make you pick one over the other. We've done a similar comparison back in March. But it was before we knew the design of the PS five or even the games and the graphics. So yeah, tons of new details to cover in this video. So without any further due, here is the ultimate comparison between the PS five and the Xbox series x covering
  • Design
  • Specifications
  • Graphics
  • Games
  • Special Features
  • Price
  •  Design:

Okay, so starting off with the design,the PS five and the Xbox series x couldn't have been more black and white.
One is the black and other one is white, the Xbox series X has this very elegant and classy look in all matte black, it is bigger and fatter than the Xbox One X. But that's because of the massive cooling system that this console needs.
Xbox Series X

In terms of the ports we have three USB Type A ports, all USB 3.2, we have one on the front, and then the other two on the back, ordering that we have an HDMI 2.1 port which supports 4k at 120 hertz, as well as 8k at 60 hertz.
We have an Ethernet port, a Kensington lock so that he can lock in your Xbox in place very useful for public places, as well as the expansion slots for the first 40 SSDs that Microsoft will be selling which I'll be covering in just a second.

The PS five on the other hand is completely different. First talking about the looks, PS5 looks very futuristic console and the slimmy finish with black and white colour scheme makes it look premium.
Size wise though the PS five is gigantic and is much taller than even the Xbox series x and also taller than pretty much any console ever made.

 It is also said to be very heavy at 4.8 kilograms. However the PS five is slimmer than the Xbox is now when it comes to the ports, the ps5 features one USB type C ports on the front, as well as a USB Type A ports.
Now we don't really know any other details and Sony hasn't really shown us the back of the console just yet. But it is quite safe to assume that it will have an HDMI 2.1 port and Ethernet ports, a psvr1 port and likely even a psvr2 ports which will allow an external receiver for the new psvr to be connected. As the psvr2 will be a completely wireless headsets.
Also, I do expect a few more USB Type A ports on the back aside from this now there will be two models of the PS five, a regular version and a digital only version which lacks the blu ray drive. The digital only version looks much much better as it's perfectly uniform. 
PS5 vs Xbox series X

The disc version looks like it has this tumor that grew on its side. 
PS5 vs Xbox series X

I don't know it just doesn't look as good at all. And it's pretty obvious that when Sony designed the PS five, they first designed the digital version as that's really the future.
Speaking of models, there is a rumored second model of the Xbox series x, just around the corner. So this is the Lockhart slash, the Xbox series 'S' version, which could look something like this. Personally, I really do like both. 
But I'm leaning more towards the digital version of the PS five design. It's something about that that just makes it look more futuristic, more hi-tech, and I'm personally really into that but yeah please do comments which design do you guys prefer? 
  • Specifications:

Now when it comes to the specs, both of these consoles feature an AMD CPU and an AMD GPU alongside dedicated hardware for ray tracing and also a very fast SSD. So you would assume that these consoles are identical in terms of performance. But that's not really the case.


CPU-wise both feature an AMD ryzen processor based on the Zen two architecture. So these are basically desktop class CPUs that you would find in AMD latest offering. They're both eight core processors. However, the Xbox series x is clocked at 3.8 gigahertz.
And the PS five CPU is clocked at 3.5 gigahertz. And not only that, but Sony has confirmed that the PS five CPU will be running at a variable frequency, meaning that while the Xbox will be running at a constant 3.8 gigahertz, the PS five can go up to 3.5. 
But it doesn't necessarily mean that it will actually run this high, this was apparently done so that the PS five has more power to divert to the GPU when needed, because otherwise, the CPU might consume a ton of power even when the game itself doesn't actually require that much performance.


On the GPU side both GPUs are based on AMD's brand new NaVi/RDMA 2.0 architecture, which Fun fact isn't even out for PCs at the moment, it's coming out around December or so. Now the Xbox GPU has 52 compute units or cores, each clocked at 1.85 gigahertz while the PS five has 36 compute units clocked and 2.23 gigahertz this translates to the Xbox having 12.15 teraflops of GPU compute power, all the PS five has 10.28 teraflops. 
So that's a 1.87 teraflop difference is that a lot? Well, fun fact, difference between the ps4 Pro and the Xbox One x in terms of deeper performance is 1.8 teraflops. So this difference is quite significant. Ram wise they both have 16 gigabytes GDDR6 memory over, they're both using it in a fairly different way. For example, the PS five has 448 gigabyte per second memory bandwidth for the entire 16 gigabytes chunk.
The Xbox on the other hand, it has 560 gigabyte per second bandwidth, but only for the first 10 gigabytes of memory, while the under six gigabytes are running at a slower 336 gigabyte per second bandwidth. 
Okay, so up until this point, it seems that the Xbox series x is superior performance wise to the PS five. And this isn't the correct however at a PS five does have one big advantage and that is when it comes to the storage so both consoles now have flash storage modules or an SSD converts into mechanical hard drives that we have in the current generation consoles.
The Xbox series x comes with a one terabyte SSD, all the PS five comes with 828 gigabytes. So you know if you care about storage, then maybe the Xbox is a better option. But if you care about speed or is a pretty significant difference between the two.

So while the Xbox's SSD has a read speed of 2.4 gigabytes per second, which is crazy fast, that's 50 times faster than what the Xbox One had. However, the PS5's SSD has a read speed of 5.5 gigabytes per second or 110 times faster than a ps4 is and the Xbox One strives.
I'll get into more detail as to why this important when we get to the graphics section of this session. Now with both of these consoles, you will be able to expand that storage if you really need and want to. 
On the Xbox side Microsoft will be selling these drives that they've developed in partnership with Seagate which will allow you to add one extra terabyte of storage to the console.
Sony on the other hand, they will not be selling any first party SSDs instead, you will be able to buy any third party m.2 drives from Amazon and literally replace internal storage with that drive. However, there is a catch. That drive will need to be at least as fast as The speed of that internal drive. And as of right now, there are no drive that even matched at 5.5 gigabyte per second speed.
Now you can indeed connect external hard drives to both of these consoles, but you would not be able to play any next generation games from those, as those drives are simply way too slow. However, you can store your conjuration games on those, which will be playable on both of these consoles. 
  •  Games:

But specs don't really mean anything, if there are no great games who take full advantage of them. So what games are we getting for each console? Well, this is where the biggest difference between these two consoles really is. You see on the PS five, you will have exclusive titles, exclusive games
So just like on the ps4 right now, all games made by Sony studios will only work on a PS five moving forward. So that means that the next SpiderMan game will only work on a PS five, the next horizon for a bit and West will only work on a PS five, the next God of War will only work on a PS five, and so on. 
The good news is that those games will look absolutely incredible and truly Next Gen. 
The bad news is that well, you need to buy a PS five. Now when it comes to the Xbox things are entirely different. 
Microsoft says that for the first two years, there will be no exclusive at all on the Xbox series x. That just means that any new game that you buy for the Xbox will work on the series x, the Xbox One X, the Xbox One S, the xbox one as well as on any Windows PC.
So the good news here is that you don't really need to buy the Xbox series X to take advantage of these new games. The bad news however, is that the games will not look as good as exclusives will on the PS five.
  •  Graphics:

Okay, so now which console will have better graphics. And same as with the games, this is where it gets tricky. So if you're into cross platform games such as Call of Duty, fortnight, Minecraft, Overwatch, Assassin's Creed, basically anything that works on both the PlayStation and the Xbox, those games will run better on the Xbox, most of us Developers have already confirmed that the Xbox series X version of those games will run at higher resolutions and frame rates on the Xbox series x.
 In fact, Microsoft is actually aiming for a full native 4k experience and at least 60 frames per second, with some games even targeting 120 frames per second. Sony on the other hand, they haven't really confirmed they're even targeting 60FPS.

In some games, for example, the developer of the next Spider Man, they confirm that spider man miles morales will have a 60 frames per second mode. But our tweet is a bit strange and it kind of implies that you will have to choose between 4k and 60 frames per second. Or if you aren't 60 FPS, you'll need to have some graphical options disabled. 
On the other hand, since the PS five will indeed have exclusives at launch, these games will indeed look true Next Gen. While the games that launch on the Xbox series x. Since those are cross platform/non exclusive games, they will just look like card generation games just in high resolution and at a higher frame rates. Take an example at Halo infinite for example. 
For which we actually got the gameplay reveal last week, and the game looks decent. So it runs in native 4k at 60 frames per second, which is really impressive. But the graphics themselves, they just look like current gen, like take a look at a grass in the game and the lighting. Now compared to let's say Last of Us Part Two or ghosts of Tsushima.
Xbox game test

 And these games, the foliage density is significantly higher. Not only that, but in Last of Us part two, you can even interact with the foliage to a point where you can, for example, bump into a pine tree and you'll actually see the snow fall off of it, which is pretty incredible. also pay attention to the lighting. And I'll compare both of these to how it looks in Halo infinite.
Also keep in mind that Last of Us and goes to Tsushima or ps4 games. Halo infinite is a next gen title. Now Digital Foundry they've made a full video about this so I'll leave that linked below in case you want to learn more about why Halo infinite looks so current gen but long story short, when you develop a game, you have to develop it on the weakest common denominator. 
And then let the more powerful hardware run the same game at a high resolution and at a higher frame rate. Otherwise, if you develop the lighting and physics on a higher end platform, porting that down is going to be incredibly difficult. Like talking from past experience. I've done that in the past that mistake and it's really, really difficult to fix. 
Now, Halo infinite, for example, was developed on the Xbox One. Yes, it was developed on the Xbox One and then ported on to the Xbox One X, the Xbox series x. Now luckily, Microsoft has also showed us a few games developed on the series x, which would not work on the Xbox One at all. So just series x and PC. 
Those games were the new fable series, Forza motorsport 8, and a few more. And finally, these games definitely looked like next gen titles. 
Unfortunately, Microsoft hasn't said when we'll get these games, but it seems like they will all come out after those Two years have passed, as again, these games will now be exclusives or in games that will also work on the Xbox One series or take full advantage of the hardware inside the Xbox series x. 
Okay, so what does this all mean? Well, at launch, cross platform games will look better on the Xbox series x. While exclusive games they will look better on the PS five, as the Xbox will not really have any exclusives at all, until at least two years after launch. Now we don't really know yet to what extent the cross platform games will run better on the Xbox series x. 
And that's because the ps4 also has that really fast as deep because remember that there's something really interesting. If you take a look at Star Citizen, which is a game that is actually a PC exclusive, that game has been fully optimized to take advantage of SSD storage. 
And if you have an end to flash storage, for example, that again can actually run up to 20 frames per second higher than if you're running the exact same game on the same platform with the same specs. But on a hard drive and the speed difference between a hard drive and a standard 2Gb/s and a 2flash module is a factor of 40 X.
The speed difference between the PS five SSD and the Xbox SS D is only about 2x, and not enough to give us 20 frames per second or anything like that on to ps5. But luckily something that can make the performance gap look smaller between these two consoles. 
  •  Special features:

Okay, so what about special features now, anything unique in terms of each console that might make you pick one over the other? Well, the controllers are a pretty big difference here, the Xbox series x controller it looks almost identical to the Xbox One X controller, which is not necessarily a bad thing as that controller was regarded by many as the best controller on the market.
Xbox seires X controller

 And the biggest improvement that we get with the Xbox series x controller is something called a dynamic latency input, which is supposed to significantly reduce the input lag making this controller likely the best controller choice if you're into competitive gaming. 
Now a ps5 controller,  this is a full redesigned over the ps4 controller over the Xbox controller. 
PS5 Controller

We do have a touchpad and also haptic support. So what we have on modern smartphones just on steroids to give you the ability to feel different surfaces in a game,

So yeah, I'm really curious to try this out.

The next difference into the special features between these two consoles is when it comes to backwards compatibility. And this is where the Xbox has a massive advantage, allowing you to play Xbox One games, Xbox 360 games and even original Xbox games while the PS five will only allow you to play ps4 games. 
Also, the Xbox does feature the Xbox game pass, which lets you play a selection of games via a monthly subscription. Pretty amazing if you just want to try some games out. Sony does have PlayStation now, which is also a monthly subscription. But this one streams games rather than downloading games. 
So, the quality is a bit affected here now you can actually download some games on PlayStation now but only a few offer a one big advantage here to the PlayStation could be the new three Audio engine. So this is a harbor bass engine, which will immerse you significantly more into a game by giving you 7.1 surround sound in all PS5 games.
  • Price:

And finally, let's talk about the price. So the prices have not been revealed as of yet, which means that the prices that I'm going to give you are based on leaks from some reliable sources. Now, the PS five is set to start at $400 for a digital version, and then $500 for standard version, the Xbox series X has had to start at $500.
But we've also seen reports in Microsoft will also launch another Xbox, the Xbox series s. So to say that's the rumor name, which could start at around $300. Over the Xbox series S will also be considerably less powerful than the Xbox series x, whereas both versions of the PS five are identical in performance.
Okay, so in the end, which one is the better choice? Well, it's a tricky one because you see if you care about cross platform games. And if you're a competitive player, then the Xbox is a better choice.

However, if you mostly care about story based games, and exclusives, then the PS five is a better choice.
And also keep in mind that the Xbox will be getting exclusives about two years after launch. So you already have an Xbox One X, for example, you don't really have to buy a series x. But yeah, let me know comments which one would you guys pick? 
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